How Much Money can you Save with Gas Appliances?
How much money is saved when using gas powered appliances as opposed to ones that rely on electricity is arguably one of the questions we are most frequently asked.
You will often read that converting part of your home to gas, whether it is the whole kitchen or just the geyser, is a powerful way to become more self-sufficient while also saving money. When compared to the current electricity prices in South Africa as well as the never ending blackout situation, using an alternative source of energy should by now be something that you are seriously considering.
Using gas as an alternative to electricity means having to weigh up the costs vs. the benefits. For some, moving over to gas might not actually make financial sense, because perhaps the energy needs are so low that paying out to convert the home to run on gas is going to cost more than it is worth.
Then again, considering that we live in South Africa, and the looming threat of the power grid collapsing or not being able to access power for 12 hours a day is becoming more real by the day, now is absolutely the time to commit to some sort of alternative arrangement.
At Budget Gas, we are well known for our incredible 9kg gas bottle refill prices and for our helpful advice. Along with our wonderful range of affordable gas products, we also deliver for those who need it. Offering the best lp gas refill in Pretoria for those who either have their own bottle or who wish to make us their preferred gas supplier.

Is gas cheaper than electricity?
The short and simple answer is yes, although it is rather tough to make a fair comparison because the two types of energy are very different from one another.
The only way that you will be able to make a fair comparison will be to compare each appliance individually and then come to the conclusion about which option will be better.
You also need to make your comparison based on how often you are using the appliance and for how long each is used. If you convert the appliance to gas and then use it far more often than you would use it when using electricity, then you are not going to be saving on your energy. And you also need to be realistic about just how much you will be saving.
Sometimes the amount that you end up saving over the months is not as dramatic as you expected.
One appliance on which you certainly do save money, without having to make the comparison on your own, is with the stove top. While an electric stove can take a while to heat up, and thus take up loads of power, with your gas stove top the heat is instant. The same can be said of the gas geyser. The electric geyser keeps water hot constantly, while the gas one only heats up as the water is needed.
The biggest advantage of moving over to gas, even if you are not saving a huge amount on your month to month budget, is the massive convenience of always having power even when Eskom has suffered a power failure.
Electric prices are also constantly increasing. With gas, although the price does go up, it is usually a gradual increase, with the effects only felt every other month. With electric power, the increases can be felt on a month to month basis, which makes planning really a budget really tricky.
If you make the switch over to gas today, we promise that you won’t regret your decision. In fact, you might just wonder why you didn’t do it sooner.